Pepper Tree Studio - Pasadena, CA

A cozy little mix room in Pasadena.
PMC 6-2
Yamaha NS-10
iMac Pro
Latest Pro Tools Ultimate
Lots of plugins
Select Outboard:
UTA Unfairchild (Ver. 1.0 w/ 6BC8 tubes!)
Highland Dynamics BG2 Compressors (x2)
UTA MPEQ-1 Channel Strip (a bunch)
Federal 864 Compressor
H3000, delays, etc
Buncha other stuff
Choice rotations from Japan Synth Hunter’s vault of fine studio equipment.
A Korean Jindo named Marvin. RIP.
Elsa the Ice Queen!
For bigger tracking sessions, here are some studios that never let me down:
Barefoot Recording (Los Angeles, CA) RIP.
64 Sound (Los Angeles, CA)
Vox Recording Studio (Los Angeles, CA) RIP.
Panoramic House (Stinson, CA)
Tiny Telephone (Oakland, CA)